Your Ghost Host and his favourite creature, Popoff, return to work with a longing for some ideal professions and career opportunities for our audience: coal vendor, tripe vendor, milkman, candy man, cab driver, coffee planter, private detective, peanut vendor, pusherman...
A wide array of options for those who look at their lives and dont feel they are living up to their full potential! We travel the world, as usual, from Cuba to Colombia and from Jamaica to Brazil, with stops in Spain, Mexico, the USA and more.
With Curtis Mayfield, Toña la Negra, el Trio Matamoros, Jorge Ben, Perez Prado, La Lupe, the Upsetters, etc!
So great to have you (both) back! La Lupe could convert almost any ecologically responsible person to a user of non-reusable resources! Tripe vendor = Fox news? - Deborah