Friday, May 2, 2014

Sequels Always Suck (Dance Craze II) - La Casa Encantada - Show 22 - April 18 2014

The Haunted House @ KUSF - Show 22 - "Dance Craze" April 18 2014 by Casaencantada on Mixcloud

This is a twisted show! Here we have the sequel to our show dedicated to Dance Crazes and Fads. We did the Mashed Potatoes and the Bacon Fat, we skanked, we stomped, hitch hiked, boogalooed and we really, really twisted!

With Andre Williams, Link Wray, Marvin Gaye, Desmond Dekker, the Duke of Iron, Al Dean, Crystal Spring Ramblers and with the invaluable help of out House Pet, Popoff!


  1. this show sucked!!

    ...just kidding! :) xo - erin

  2. There's a good demonstration of what the feet do in the Mashed Potato in this video of Dee Dee Sharp performing Mashed Potato Time. The tall blonde backup dancer has it right. Of course, this show was from the mid-'60s, so the dancers were just adding the mashed potato feet to the then-current dance styles. - Deborah

  3. Twist del Faraon was great, but it made me want to clap on 1 and 3... - Deborah
